Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Tabloidization of the News

I'll be honest. I'm sick of hearing people complain about sensational, celebrity, and entertainment news. Let's be real here. Not everyone really cares about Paris Hilton. But some people do. The New York Times doesn't need to spend columns talking about her, but someone out there has every right to. I read Runner's World, but this isn't something everyone needs. It educates me, but not everybody really wants to or needs to know how to train for a half marathon. That's why we have so many forms of media. That's the best thing about the rise of independent media. As long as every individual media outlet recognizes its role and knows how to cater to the audience, the lines won't be so blurry.

It's hard to balance the business and public service sides of journalism. There are plenty voices out there to provide information and analyze current events, so it's hard to accuse anyone of covering something that shouldn't be covered. Of course, celebrity news belongs in the media outlets it was designed for.

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